In January of 2013, I started my hardcore drugs and we were planning a round of IUI. There were 2 shots, 1 oral pill and another "where the sun don't shine" plus a basic prenatal. They were all timed out perfectly and made me feel pretty crappy to be honest. I felt like I was already having a terrible first trimester minus the whole being pregnant part. I was nauseous had headaches, cried over everything, tired and bloated. Oh my gosh! You have never felt bloated until your ovaries are the size of softballs! Regularly, they are small grapes.
They were all taken for different lengths of time but the bulk of it lasted about two weeks.
About midway, our Baby Making Dr. decided that IVF was probably the way to go instead. This way, we could also freeze embryos from this retrieval as well as use a few to get me preggers; killing two birds with one stone. Because I had already started the rounds for IUI, he preferred that we continue with that for now and start the IVF cycle fresh... It is supposed to work better that way.
In February, we went in for my ultrasound. These are scheduled frequently. There was good news and bad news; The good news was that my body was responding really well to the drugs, and the bad news was that I had responded so well that I have made way too many eggs to do an IUI round. The way he put it, I would be the next "Octo-mom" if not more. We decided to scrap that round and in March start my treatment for IVF. I left feeling a bit disappointed, but also grateful that it was working. It was a really awkward mix of emotions.
In March, Jake and I left for Hawaii a few days before my Aunty Flow was supposed to make her appearance. I say supposed to really accented because to be real, she just kinda comes and goes as she pleases. Rather inconvenient for scheduling appointments if you ask me.
I had my birth control* in hand and was given strict instructions that if anything was different or felt off or if I did not get my period to take a pregnancy test before taking the pills. Well a few days passed and nothing happened. One morning, I just threw in the towel. I pulled out my pee stick and said to Jake, "Don't think I'm crazy. I know it's really really unlikely but Dr. Man told me to take a test before starting my new round of drugs."
*Although it sounds like a contradictory, the month before starting shots/etc. with IVF it is common practice to use birth control. This way, your entire body is planned what will do what when and you don't have to do any guessing at all.
I couldn't believe it. I honestly though I was reading the test wrong when saw those infamous, two little blue lines. He looked at it and we were both like "Whaaaaa?" It was a pretty old test so he walked down to the Foodland and got more. The digital ones.
I called the office and talked my nurse asking all sorts of questions.
"Could the drugs in my system still be doing this?"
"Are they both false positives?"
Anything I could think of. We scheduled an appointment for when we got home to come in for an ultrasound to confirm if it was real and if so how many.
While we were there visiting our old school, reminiscent places and school, we were also visiting his brothers who were attending school. We kept it a secret from his brothers the rest of the trip
When we got home, it was confirmed that we had in fact made a couple of little miracles. We decided not to tell anyone for a while, based on the fact that these were not easily made and at any moment could be taken away from us.
My family was told on Easter and his on Mother's Day so we could tell them in person around the entire family.
Although we are so excited and so grateful for these blessings, we know that we still have a long road ahead of us. As soon as possible, after the twins are born, I will be going through a round of IVF to retrieve eggs and freeze embryos. Because my fertility is drastically dropping, we want to keep as many chances to have more babies as possible.
Such a great story Nunu!! I Can't wait to meet little baby A and B! :) love you!