If we do IVF, and it works, there is still no guarantee that it will actually stick and result in a bambino. We are both pretty sure the first one is not going to work, ( a little morbid, right?) so we want to try and keep our excitement down until 3 months in. In a normal pregnancy most people like to wait 12 weeks, until the "Safe Zone", to let people in on their excitement. However, with IVF, everyone is going to know right away.
So how do we keep it from everyone? If we say "you know, we want to wait another 12 weeks to tell you", then it is obvious it worked. Why would you wait 3 months to tell everyone it did not work?
Before we actually do do anything, we have to experiment with the hormones, etc., which makes us wonder...
Maybe we will not tell anyone we are starting the actual cycle, that way we don't have to say yes or no and can wait until we are ready.
What do you guys think?
Haha you sound just like me! It's something you have to decide for yourself.. I told no one the first time, a few people the second time, and everyone the third time. By far the third time was the best experience.. Although it didn't work, I don't regret being open with everyone about it. But like I said- you have to decide what's best for you two.